Chinese Style Clothes, a New Fashion Trend

As for the Chinese fashion elements, they were generally connected to modern fashion clothing such as Chinese painting, Chinese painting and printing, embroidery techniques, blue and white porcelain, paper cutting style, etc. All more and more world-class fashion designers begin to apply the traditional Chinese elements with modern design mode. In 2011, a Chinese-style clothes will inevitably become a very important element method.

Today, whether in Paris, Milan or New York clothing designed with Chinese style very much like people, especially those of fashion designers, international celebrities and super stars. During the 57th film Cannes Festival in 2004, Gong Li, Chinese superstar, wearing a white Cheongsam designed by Tom Ford. In particular, bringing back Chinese embroidery technique that reveals the kind of magnificent Chinese characteristics. Designer Tom Ford was Gong Li embodies the Oriental female audience and western elegance of women in this film festival. In addition, Fan Bingbing blue and white porcelain, Gao Yuanyuan Beijing berth wearing a dress, Zhang Jingchu Dunhuang fresco wears a dress.

In 2011, China launched the promotional video in Times Square in New York, many Chinese beauties with Chinese-style dress is sure to push the Chinese fashion elements in the world.

Chinese fashion elements now come and want to remain in the world of cutting-edge fashion. Application of Chinese embroidery, binding, intricate button, silk spinning in clothing designs will become the new fashion trend in 2011. Traditional Chinese folk art of the subtle spirit of classical, traditional classic patterns and colors will be combined with the modern styles of clothing, revealing a strong sense of disintegration of Eastern and Western culture with a new aesthetic conflict.